
It all started with burger buns – I was given a brick of Impossible Meat during the Circuit Breaker and wanted to serve burgers with it. At that time, snaking queues were forming in grocery stores throughout the city and I did not want to take the risk just for the sake of burger buns.

My daughter rose to the occasion – she volunteered to bake buns for our homemade Impossible Burger and they were a hit! That sparked her enthusiasm in some kitchen action and within a short span of a month, she has made everything from Steamed Pork Buns, Shokupan, croissants, Sourdough and Sourdough Cinnamon Doughnuts to Hokkaido White Milk Buns, Apple Pithivier, Sourdough, Brioche and even onion tarts.

Not everything was successful (her croissants, for one, needed massive tweaks) but the vast majority of her recipes passed our family taste test, many times with flying colours.

In this Recipes page, she shares her cooking/baking journey with us via recipes and videos (produced entirely by her one-woman crew). I have been most inspired by her budding passion and have learnt a thing or two whilst helping her. I hope that you will be inspired too.

For the written recipes, click on the hyperlinked word (i.e., “brioche”), or the square image. For the video recipes (and visual guide on our home-baking techniques), click on the 📹 emoji.

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